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Fresh Perspectives

The Reality of Childhood Cancer
Childhood cancer is a devastating diagnosis for any family. The reality of childhood cancer is that it can turn a family's world upside...

Perseverance is a key characteristic that can help us achieve our goals and overcome the challenges that we face in life. It's the...

Faith & Difficult Journeys
A diagnosis of childhood cancer is one of the most difficult challenges that a family can face. The journey can be long, painful, and...

Navigating the Stress of Waiting
Feelings of fear, anxiety, and worry is completely normal. Recognize that your feelings are valid and allow yourself to experience them.

Finding Strength Through God’s Grace
God's grace is not something we can earn or achieve, but rather something freely given.

Finding Strength Amidst Unthinkable Circumstances
The path to Biblical hope is paved with suffering, endurance, and character building. We walk this difficult road in our families with hope.

Holding Fast To Hope
Hope is an essential element that sustains families through difficult times, especially when facing childhood cancer.

Hope from the Waiting Chair
As I cried out to him – here are three truths he showed me in that stiff, brown, vinyl chair.

But, If Not
What does it look like to trust that God is good all the time?

Full of Joy
When you pray for God to be glorified in the lives of your children, you don’t expect that will come through their suffering and death.

The Dual Life
Ask any grieving parent and they might tell you about the two distinctly different lives they started living the day their child passed.

The Greatness of Community
There are times in this life that you hit a crossroad and find yourself asking “how will I survive this?” In those difficult seasons, you ne
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