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Together We Lighthouse

Written by Summer Staffer Jackie Rodriguez

In 2020, the phrase “Together We Lighthouse” was adopted as the overarching theme of retreat season. After the cancellation of retreats for that year, the phrase held even more importance as it shifted into a virtual version.

While Lighthouse prepared for 2021 retreats, the same phrase was brought into the new season, now holding new meaning. Together is a word often defined by spatial closeness. At Lighthouse, together can be seen on retreats in the various activities and events that take place.

It may mean...

Being together at Flip Flop, kids hanging out with other kids, swimming, playing games under the tent...

Being together during Common Ground, a chance for the parents to have time to connect with other parents living through a childhood cancer diagnosis...

Being together during UnBirthday Party, where kids get to dance and celebrate life with each other...

Being together on the beach during Night of Worship, joining our voices together in praise to God...

Together is where the magic happens and lifelong relationships begin to form. As Summer Staff, we help to prepare for and provide a fun and exciting environment for every family or individual who attends retreats week to week. As I write this after five retreats, the phrase “Together We Lighthouse” has manifested itself in a multitude of ways.

It can be seen in the rest given to families as they arrive and have strangers unload their luggage, bring them dinner, and allow them to spend quality family time...

It can be seen in the joy on kids’ faces as they sing loudly to Disney tunes and enjoy pizza and ice cream at the UnBirthday Party...

It can be seen in the restoration of relationships, marriages, and friendships in Common Ground as parents are given time with no distractions...

It can be seen in the hope of families as they realize they do not have to go home and fight this alone...

The definition of together is taken a step further when people realize it does not merely mean proximity—it also means connectedness. These connections happen with the Hope Jars we send home with the families, birthday cards that are sent after retreat, and continuous relationship-building between Family Partners (our volunteers) and Retreat Families all work together to provide support and encouragement despite physical distance.

I believe retreats are only the beginning of what “Together We Lighthouse” truly means.

Jackie Rodriguez is from Buford, Georgia, and is currently a junior at Samford University, studying special education. She is also currently the Hospitality Intern on our Summer Staff for Florida retreats this summer.

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