The Horizon
Welcome to the beginning of a new day.
The Horizon is a community of donors who invest in the staff and revenue generating operations of Lighthouse Family Retreat. The Horizon members believe in the bold vision of creating a 100% funding model and the impact it will have on families living through childhood cancer.

Many non-profits are challenged by the question, “how much of my donation will go towards administrative costs?” We saw the need to implement a model that removed the obstacle that would cause a donor to question where their contribution is going. We are faithfully building a 100% Funding Model, which means that our goal is to empower our volunteers, Donors, and Supporters with stewardship excellence, where 100% of donations would go directly to funding families.
To create a 100% Funding Model we have invited families, businesses, and individuals who believe investing in the operational and administrative costs of Lighthouse Family Retreat.
As we grow, we need dedicated supporters to join our bold vision and invest in The Horizon. We believe that, in order to have results different from other ministries and nonprofits, we must think differently. As a member of The Horizon you will pledge to support Lighthouse Family Retreat for 3 consecutive years. You will have access to The Horizon community, receive pre-registration for retreat season as well as special community events. Your support will allow us to scale the organizational reach and enable us to serve many more families living with childhood cancer.
Invest vs. Give
To scale our impact, we need people who understand the value of investing in the operating cost of Lighthouse Family Retreat. We use operating dollars to launch awareness campaigns, in-hospital marketing, fundraising platforms, and design environments for each seaside retreat. Contact our team now for more information.

Your contribution multiplies 4 times the return on investment by also empowers all genial donations with a best in class message of 100% OF ALL GENERAL DONATIONS puts families living through childhood cancer in the sand.
You give $10,000
for a family sponsorship
Your $10,000 sends
families on retreat
Two families are strengthened with your one gift
You give $10,000
for operating costs
We leverage your $10,000
to raise $40,000 (4x)
Four times the families
are stregthened
What Does 100% Mean?
Here are a few examples of expenses covered by The Horizon:
We hire world-class people who love our retreat families, create amazing environments as well as steward our resources with excellence.
We plan, train, and strategize all year long and our headquarters is the spark that lights the flame.
When a donor gives $1,000 the credit card company takes 2-4% as a processing fee. The donor meant to give $1,000 not $980. We “reimburse” credit card procession fees to our operating account.
Please contact us to join The Horizon. Flexible payment options include annual, quarterly, and monthly giving by direct bank debit, credit card and check.